Forest View strives to stay strong for our team members, customers and community; we are preparing to rebuild from the ground up; we can only go up from here, the sky is the limit.
As the coronavirus (COVID-19) begins to have a significant impact on our communities, families, business and way of life; we wanted to share the steps we are taking in our bowling center & restaurant to help keep our customers, our team members and our community safe and healthy. We are not only following the state, federal, CDC and WHO requirements and managing to recommendations, but we are doing much more! We are closed right now and only have contractors and a handful of employees in the building at any time. We are keeping social distancing, washing hands, using PPE and checking temperature for anyone that walks in building and more. Our goal is to open, when we are allowed to re-open and ensure we provide a safe, family-friendly environment for our community and customers. We are all going to need some fun, food and drinks to celebrate the end of this pandemic and honor those that lost their lives. We will come out stronger as a nation, community, family and business. We have lowered our flag to half staff.
All of our team members have an opportunity to work, if they choose to want to work during this shut down. All of our team members have a resource (personal life coach) available to them by the Business Resource Network through our partnership with Michigan Works (SEMCA) to help with things at home with rent, utilities, child care, etc. We will ensure they all have food and anything critical they need during this time. We have 10+ team members working daily to keep some normalcy to life, allow them to still work and get paid and make the business better for our customers return, in the near future.
We gave away all of our fresh food that we had in the building to our employees, vendor/partners, customers and people in the community that had a need and reached out to us. We will continue to support our community and our team members. We are hoping to reopen Wednesday with a family meal program that will offer a few meal options, each day that a family can get a reasonable price. We are just looking to cover our labor and food costs and not make money on the meals; but provide families with a great meal at a fair price to help families that want to support local, but just can’t afford the cost to eat take-out and we can’t execute our full menu during this time, but could do something simplified and offer the same great quality.
We are focused on cleaning our entire building, added a new AC this week, doing some bowling lane improvements, adding some new storage cabinets and other storage, redesigning our office space to make it more functional, new epoxy flooring for the kitchen and bar, and more. We will come out of this stronger, but in the meantime will continue to support the contractor/partners that have supported us through the years.
If we all get out and do the purchases we were going to do, we will come out of this stronger. If we all decide to do something new once we are allowed to do so, we will help the economy come back faster (trade in car and get a new one, remodel your house, buy a new house, plan an book a vacation, book a company summer picnic, plan a family gathering, get your group or organization together for a meeting, go out for lunch, dinner, movie, bowling, etc.). Support the small businesses and help them come back stronger than before, by supporting those that work and live in the community!
We want our customers to feel confident and be able to enjoy the time they spend at our center, once able to return. As a result, we closed down on Monday for all operations and have been working through a complete cleaning of our building, re-cleaning all serving items, disposing all paper products that were in circulation, cleaning all chairs, tables, walls, etc. and have put in measures to enhance our normal daily cleaning procedures to include additional processes and additional cleaning overnight. We are implementing (once we re-open) increased frequency and extent of cleanings, adding additional resources like extra hand sanitizer throughout the center for both customers and employees, additional paper towel dispensers in bathrooms and more.
We are ensuring team members wash their hands more often, properly and use gloves. We are posting additional signage in team member areas and customer areas, providing additional hand sanitizer as well as providing even more cleaning and disinfectant supplies and tools. We added an electrostatic sprayer and other tools to sanitize common touch surfaces like doors, shoes, bowling balls and more. We are increasing the frequency of cleaning high-touch surfaces in our facilities when we open back up to include bowling balls, bowling shoes, furniture, touch screens, door handles, restrooms, and video games.
Even though we are a small business, we still have about 50 families that rely on us. As much as we appreciate the staff coming in in small groups to help deep clean the facility to get it in tip top shape to re-open, if a team member were to come in with flu-like symptoms, they will be asked to leave and seek medical attention and to remain at home until they are free of symptoms. We are checking temperatures of team members, visitors and contractors every day. We are asking team members to keep 6 feet part from others in the building and asking our team to use PPE while they are working.
We are reinforcing training procedures to ensure cleaning processes are implemented properly including a new mandatory online training program developed specifically for bowling centers and the COVID-19 virus. This certifies the team members and ensures that they have the best knowledge to be able to prevent any spread of the illness.
Forest View is taking this opportunity to spend some time to deep clean and some renovations, as we prepare for the virus to pass and we can open our doors once again to Bedford and the surrounding communities. Together we will get through this! We can only go up from here; the sky is the limit! As an entrepreneur, every challenge we face, makes us stronger. Some of our team is taking this time to focus on family and be home with their family and loved ones.
To learn more email or call Rich Kenny at 734-621-2996